Trust in Steadfast Love

But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. – Psalm 13:5
The title of this post is, “Trust in STEADFAST Love.” The operative word is “steadfast,” which means “unwavering, unchanging, firm, fixed and established.” Therefore, the only love we should be trusting is in an unwavering, unchanging and established type of love. To trust anything short of a steadfast love is to set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Since we’ve established that, we have to expound on how we can discern a steadfast love; and, moreover, how we can find salvation through it. To set up this verse, I have to explain the inner turmoil the Psalmist is writing this in– he is depressed, lonely and in emotional pain! He writes in verse one that he has nobody else to confide in, he had nobody to lean on; so, he resorts to taking his meandering depression to his heart and smolders in it. He is so alone and in such a dark place that he can’t even imagine life. In fact, he asks God if he can just die because that would be the lesser evil. How many of us have been here? I’ve been there many times over; and, from the depths of my heart, I can tell you that death in those times does feel like a reassuring idea. Then you try to die because you lose the will to live and the irony is that you simply won’t die because you’re supernaturally sustained by amazing grace. You begin to curse God and then finally you see it– salvation, a new hope. When you are here in that place you need to trust in steadfast love. Instead what we do is trust in a lackadaisical type of love, a love that is unfounded in anything and ungrounded in power. The steadfast love is not either of those. The love that is steadfast does something. It moves things, places, people and circumstances. It is present when you need to grasp a hold of something, anything, so that you don’t fall into death. It is strong and doesn’t let go for any reason. This is the love we need to hold onto with trust. We trust it because the action of steadfast love is salvation. Today, I want you to know that there is somebody who offers a steadfast type of love. His love carried our mistakes, pain and agony on his shoulders. Jesus calls us all to trust in this type of steadfast love. But we should not only trust this steadfast love of Jesus, but extend it far and out: not only for our consumption, but also for the salvation of those with whom our love needs to be steadfast. Join me today and trust in God’s steadfast love through the action of Jesus, our Christ, and become an embodiment of His steady love: one who is trusted to be unwavering in people’s lives when all else fails.

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