Learning from 2012

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid. (Proverbs 12:1 ESV) The proverb is simple: if you want to grow as a person, learn; if not, do nothing. When we look back on our 2012, I want you start jotting down a few things/people you learned from this year. I also want you to start writing down some things about situations or people you had wished you handled better. Let me give you some examples. This past year I learned a lot from my favorite person in the world. I was taught how to trust more like a human being, as opposed to like a robot. Likewise, a situation I could have handled better in 2012 was when a breakdown of trust happened on my end subconsciously. It’s not that I didn’t trust my favorite person in the world, I couldn’t trust myself with knowing that my favorite person in the world trusted me. Another example regarding my favorite person in the world would be how I had trouble, this was just yesterday, swallowing good advice. I could have handled the advice better, but I foolishly wanted to do my own thing even though I knew my own thing sucked. I’m telling you this not because I want to highlight my own very obvious character flaws, but because when we don’t think about our experiences to learn from them, we end up doing nothing about them and history repeats. We have the same problems we did when we were five when we turn fifty; we circularly hit the same concrete walls at thirty that we did at twenty. It is stupid and a lot of us would rather choose to live like stupid than discipline ourselves to learn. So start looking back on your 2012. There are people you want to indefinitely go back to in 2013 and learn from. Likewise, there are situations ad circumstances you do not want to repeat.

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